September/November 2022
February/March 2022
MANH Kindergarten Parents
Here are some activities you can do at home to reinforce the concepts
I'm currently addressing. SHORT & LONG SOUNDS
MANH Elementary Students
HERE is a supporting site for our HARMONICA lessons!
Lessons for Toddlers
and 3-6 year olds
My Mission Statement
Click HERE to play some great classical music for your child!
I believe that all children are naturally musical and have the potential to sing in tune, move rhythmically and appreciate the beauty of music. My goals for your children are:
Judy Meyer Hays is a retired elementary general music educator who just can’t stop teaching because she passionately believes that music has the power to bring positive change to our world. When not playing with her six grandchildren, Judy volunteers for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra by writing curriculum, training docents and presenting programs at schools and senior centers. She is sharing her ideas and expertise for a Musical Fitness Program proposal in Minnesota and continues her interest in offering child-centered music instruction for birth-6 year olds by teaching at two local Montessori schools. Judy volunteers for Saints for the Performing Arts and serves as a substitute church organist/pianist in the northwest suburbs as well as being actively involved in the Illinois Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance Project. During her paid professional life she taught K-6 general and vocal music in Schaumburg School District 54 for 25 years, founded the Palatine Children’s Chorus, and was an adjunct professor for the Elementary General Music Methods Course at Carthage College and Illinois Wesleyan University. Ms. Hays is a National Board Certified Teacher, and has presented on a variety of topics in Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin Music Educators’ State Conferences as well as at the MENC (nowNAfME) National Conference.
Choose the current or a past session by clicking on the title below.
I'm excited to be sharing my love for music at two local Montessori schools where four of my grandchildren are enrolled! Each week
I have the pleasure of providing music lessons to a number of different classes and ages. Parents and teachers may enjoy reinforcing our class time together. You can access each group's materials by clicking on the theme titles, pictures, or links on this webpage.
April/ May 2022
Winter 2023
September/October 2021
Contact Me!
About the Instructor
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